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Why women should take more iron-rich foods?

 The human body is formed with numerous types of nutrition and mineral, which helps in proper functioning of the body. Iron is one of the most important minerals.
Iron helps to reach oxygen in the body cells through red blood cells. Although Iron is the necessary mineral for both men and women, in fact women need more iron.
According to the National Health Institution, an average male is about 18 milligrams of about eight milligrams a day and a woman needs 18 milligrams of iron. However, during the pregnancy, a woman's iron demand increased to 27 milligrams.
 Ironically, women's body needs more iron because of blood flow during the period of each month. Iron consumption in pregnancy also increases in pregnancy. Basically, women need more iron than for two reasons. 

Every month many women leave the body of blood. It can have negative effects on body iron content. To compensate for this, there is a need to add iron-rich foods to the diet.
During pregnancy, the intelligence of the mother is found in the mother's body. Even a baby gets iron until six months after birth, from the mother's body. That is why mother's iron demand increased during pregnancy.
If there is an iron deficiency in the body, the amount of oxygen in the blood decreases. This can lead to bleeding, weaknesses etc. So, green vegetables, eggs, dried fruits, nuts and seeds, beans, fish etc. should be kept in the food list.
Why is iron needed?
We have a vital food ingredient within the Iron or Iron Foods list. A mineral the most food ingredient in our daily food list is that the six-carbohydrates, meat, fats, vitamins, minerals and water. Iron is one among the most elements of the mineral.But what does this iron do to our body? How much iron do we need every day? How can we get iron from food? What is the lack of iron? How much do we know about this essential food ingredient? 
 Why eat iron
1. Iron made of hemoglobin in the blood. Oxygen is dole out throughout the body through hemoprotein.So if the iron deficiency reduces the performance of hemoglobin.
2. Iron is needed to perform the proper functioning of energy, muscular composition and various organs.
3. If there is iron or iron in the body, 70 percent of it is with hemoglobin. Most of the rest have other proteins, such as blood transferrin or bone marrow ferritin. There are some parts of the body in different cells.
4. Hemoglobin contains blood-red cells. The red blood cells of the blood can last for 120 days or more. Then new red particles are formed, old ones are broken. When the red blood cells break down, another protein of iron blood in the hemoglobin region is transmitted through bone marrow, liver, spleen, etc. Iron deposited in the bone marrow is useful in making new blood cells.
5. Iron helps prevent the body's immune system from doing normal activity.
6. About 1-2 mg daily Iron goes out of our body regularly through the stools, urine and sweat. It may also be astonishing to hear that reproductive-aged women are bleeding around 40-80 ml. And the amount of iron that is consumed with this amount of blood is 20-40 mg. Again every pregnant mother suffers from iron deficiency for each of her pregnancies 600-900 mg.
7. Iron deficiency is one of the reasons for women's recurrence. Generally iron is an important element for women between the ages of 18 and 35.
8. Anemia due to the lack of balanced distribution of iron and protein in women. Apart from this, housewives and mothers often live with the surplus food only after eating the food in the house. Often do not care if you have all the ingredients needed for your food. Therefore, due to continuous malnutrition, this disease can easily occur.
9. Everyone who is healthy due to moderate diet - we always hear these words from our doctors. However, the need for adequate iron is enough iron supply to the body.
10. It is necessary to own meat for a minimum of 2 to a few days per week for associate adult human food list. together with this, should even have vegetables and vegetables, that are wealthy in iron.Otherwise it can not be healthy and beautiful for him.
11. Iron plays an important role in the mother's abdomen, and also in the development of the brain's brain.
12. The type of food that contains enough iron contains lizards, meat, eggs, fish and green vegetables. Iron is always needed for the body. However, in adolescence, excess iron is required during breast feeding and pregnancy. Although there is bleeding in the form of an operation or injury, it requires a lot of iron to form blood donation.
13. If the food is balanced then 10-15 mg Iron is accessible a day, from that the wants of the body are adequately matched. however if the food list isn't balanced or in areas wherever the demand for iron is high, like a nursing lady and pregnant mother, they conjointly would like extra iron.
Those who need 'iron'
Do you look faded or pale nowadays? Or are you tired? Having trouble concentrating on the job? From this writing, you can learn what signs of this body change or what you need to do.
Iron on the body: The main function of iron is to give the oxygen to the cells in the lungs so cells can work well. And for this, blood clots or hemoglobin Iron helps in the formation of hemoglobin. Iron is one of the six ingredients in the daily diet list of minerals and minerals in the body. These ingredients are - Proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, water and minerals.
Iron deficiency: Due to lack of iron in the body the skin is dry. Even in the absence of iron or iron, problems like breaking nails, hair fall, feeling tired without reason, headache, dizziness, pale appearance, lack of fatigue, lack of concentration etc. In the absence of iron in the case of elders, heart problems or heart problems can also occur.
Expert like: If some of these symptoms have occurred, you should go to the doctor. However, only one physician can find out if these problems are due to lack of iron. If this is such a problem, consult a doctor immediately. German expert said. Wolf cors.
Expert Advice: If some of these symptoms have occurred, you should go to the doctor. However, only one doctor can find out if these problems are due to lack of iron. If this is such a problem, consult a doctor immediately. German expert said. Wolf cors.
Those who need medicines: Iron deficiency is not enough for the body only when it comes to iron. If so, they need fast iron medicines or syrup. 
Physical Work: Regardless of whether men and women - those who work more than physical needs, their body needs more iron than others.
Problems with Iron Tablet: Many people play iron tablets and have different problems like constipation. But it is good to check it out. Still From his own experience in the cube, he said, "Iron oven tablets with syrup or water tolerate most of the people."
According to him, it is necessary to take 'iron supplement' for at least six months, for several days, to meet the lack of iron in the body. 
Iron deficiency anemia
When hemoglobin levels of blood drop below normal, it is called anemia or anemia. Hemoglobin is a special pigment of blood. Its main function is to supply oxygen to various parts of the body. Hemoglobin is in red blood cells. It may also lead to anemia due to red blood cell particles decreasing.
Why is anemia: Anemia is not only a disease, but a symptom of the disease. There can be anemia for various reasons. Iron is one of the main raw materials for the production of hemoglobin in the blood. If there is a lack of iron in the body for some reason, there may be anemia or anemia. Iron deficiency anemia 'Iron deficiency anemia' in medical terms. In addition to the lack of vitamin B and Folic Acid, such as long-term specific diseases (such as kidney failure), certain types of infections (such as tuberculosis), blood cancer, thalassemia, thyroid hormone problems, blood-borne carcinoma, red blood cell division itself, bleeding Etc. are due to anemia.
Iron deficiency anemia is the most common among various types of anemia. Especially in the third world's poorest countries. Among women it has more than men. A 2012 study found that 70 percent of women suffer from starvation at different stages of life. Women in Bangladesh have the highest incidence of iron deficiency in iron during pregnancy. This increased maternal mortality due to anemia. The rate of children is also high.
Why Iron deficiencies: The main cause of iron deficiency is malnutrition. Iron deficiency occurs if there is not enough iron in food. Additional iron is needed during pregnancy and children's development. But, in our country, pregnant mothers are not fed enough nutritious food. In rural areas, due to ignorance, pregnant mothers are given less food. Apart from this, women suffer from iron deficiency for one more special reason. That is the extra menstrual period. Iron deficiency occurs when long-term slower bleeding occurs. For example: Papatic ulcers, worms, piles, and long-term pain medication may cause iron deficiency due to iron deficiency.
Symptoms: Signs of eyes, mouth pale, weak, depressed, dizziness, vomiting, headache, blurred vision, face injuries, difficulty in swallowing foods can occur. If anemia is high, breathing difficulties, chest pain can be even up to the heartfill.
Testing: Blood tests can be found in CBC blood tests. Serum Iron and serum ferritin were tested to see iron levels. There is also one kind of test called TIBC.
Treatment: Treatment of any type of rheumatoid arthritis considers the reason behind anemia.
Iron deficiency due to iron deficiency is to be ensured beforehand. Iron treatment is the main treatment given due to malnutrition. Iron-rich foods are advised with. In the form of tablets and capsules for mouth food, as injected into the vein. The doctor will advise the patient about the condition of the patient to take it. Peptic ulcer, excessive menstrual cycle, should be treated with piles. Regular worms should be eaten.
A major threat to safe motherhood in the context of Bangladesh is that this iron deficiency anemia. The solution is very simple. Just need a little awareness. 
Foods that contain many iron

An adult man is eight milligrams each day for girls and eighteen milligrams of iron for girls. Besides, twenty seven milligrams of iron per day is needed for pregnant ladies.
Iron deficiency within the body becomes weak and tired moreover because the mood becomes irritable. Generally, ladies and pregnant ladies have iron deficiency anemia. to fulfill the shortage of iron, it's necessary to require these 2 forms of iron iron and vegetable iron.
Let's grasp if there's iron on some foods:
Lizards: The made supply of iron is liver. It additionally contains vitamins, minerals and proteins. there's lots of iron within the pulse of kine. Eggs and chicken are ofteneaten if you are doing not prefer to eat liver. In 0.5 cup egg yarn there's three milligrams of iron and three ounces red flesh has 2-3 milligrams of iron.
Dark Chocolate: bittersweet chocolate is sweet for body. it's a decent supply of iron and contains many anti-oxidants.

Grater: there's five milligrams of iron for one cup and it additionally contains customary proteins. Dinner meal for eater dinners The gram is extremely delicate food.
Pumpkin Beech : A cup of pumpkin has a pair of milligrams of iron. Cook delicious pumpkin seeds, eat with salads, boil or eat alternative ways.
Dal Diet: a decent supply of iron is pulses. there's a cup of half dozen milligrams of iron and lots of fiber. there's less steroid alcohol and keep blood glucose levels well.
Steamed rice : A cup of steamed rice has half dozen milligrams of iron, it additionally contains macromolecule, fiber, calcium, vitamins and vitamins. Nutrient content of steamed pulse leaflike vegetables will simply absorb the body.
Cheddar potato: vitamin C, B vitamine in stewed potatoes, moreover as having lots of metallic element and additionally high amounts of iron. A stewed potato with peel contains three milligrams of iron.
There also are more foods made in iron. For example: cashew wacky, raisins, tomato, peas, beans etc. it's not smart to drink tea or low once consumption iron-rich food.

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