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8 silent signs of a horrible disease of men

Cancer is a serious disease for both men and women. Some cancers only affect women, such as the cervix or cervical cancer. Similarly, cancer of the testosterone or testicular cancers that only affects the male. One in every 263 people in the world is suffering from this cancer. Because the symptoms are not easy to detect, this disease is more dangerous. Identify eight silent signs of testicular cancer-
1. An acute pain in the testicle: The biggest symptom of this cancer is a lump or painkiller in the testicle or testicle. There is no pain or discomfort in it, so many people do not notice it. Regularly check if there is any lump in the testicle.
2. The scrotum or the scrotum is heavily felt: Although there are no lumps, many men may experience heavy or scratam, heavy pain and pain. Tell the doctor as soon as possible that this symptom is available.
3. Early puberty: Testicular cancer can be not only for adults, but also teenagers of adolescents. Before puberty symptoms such as diarrhea and shoulder-to-beard may be a sign of testicular cancer compared to other adolescents. In this case, the doctor should be shown immediately.
4. Breast Pain: Many people think that women suffer from breast problems due to various illnesses. But due to testicular cancer, men's breast pain and even fluid emission can occur. but why? If there is a tumor in the testicle, then there is a protein that creates these reactions. It should be told to the doctor immediately after not feeling embarrassed.
5. Changes in size of testicle: Other than a testicle, the symptoms of small or large, swollen, or halved testicular cancers.
6. Water comes to the ovules: It is normal to have water in the scrotum or scrotum, but it is unusual to maintain this condition for a week. It could be like having a tumor. As well as other symptoms, do not wait to see the doctor.
7. Back pain and cough: When cancer spreads to different parts of the body, it is called metastasizing. One of the symptoms may be back pain, cough and swollen lump. It is important to check that pumps are seen at any point in the body. Because this may mean you have testicular cancer and it has spread.
8. Abdominal pain: Another type of cancerous progression of testicular cancer can be painful pelvic pain. There may be stomach ache due to the spread of the lymph node and liver in the swollen lymph node.
If you can detect any one or a few of these symptoms, tell the doctor faster. As soon as you can start treatment, the more likely it is to recover. 
Testicular cancer diagnosis
Testicular cancer is a threat to men's health, which can result in the loss of the patient's reproductive ability. Due to the diagnosis of testicular cancer, it provides the most effective results for cancer treatment. If diagnosed with cancer at early stage, it can give quick results in treatment, but it is very difficult to heal for advanced or end-stage testicular cancer treatment. So it is very important to know the methods of testicular cancer diagnosis.
What are testicular cancer diagnosis procedures?
Laboratory Testing: Laboratory tests mainly include β-HCG, AFP and LDH plasma test, etc.
Imaging test: The method of testing imaging in testicular cancer is particularly common. B-type ultrasound can diagnose tumor in the testicle. Abdominal and pelvic city tests can diagnose whether the cancer has spread to the lymph node. Chest radiatographics and city tests are used to determine lung transmigration. Therefore, Adominalal and Pelvic City testicular cancer play a significant role in the diagnosis of cancer. Positron emission tomography (PET) test is able to give more accurate results for diagnosis of patients with testicular cancer.
Pathology test: Testicular tumors are tested through the biopsy test. There is a possibility of spreading the tumor, in which case the testosterone biopsy is done with utmost caution.
There are several more types of testicular cancer tests for thorough examination, including testicular epidermoid or test for test results, testicular traction, epididymethas, epididymo orchitis, hydrocella etc.
Experts from Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou believe that if the test of cancer in the testicular cancer is diagnosed, it should be taken to hospital for immediate treatment.
The cause of testicular cancer
There is no specific cause of testicular cancer or testicular cancer.
According to doctors, testicular cancer or testicular cancer is due to changes in the healthy cells of the testicles. The body's activity is normal due to the production and control of healthy cells. But sometimes there are abnormalities in the growth of some cells. As a result, the cells continued to grow uncontrollably. Because of this, the cancer cells are gradually splitting even if there is no need for new cells in the testicle. These cancer cells combine and form a pind-like shape. Nearly all types of testicular cancer are present in the germ cell. This produces immature sperm from the germ cell. Germ cells are unnatural due to the fact that they are converted into cancer and the causes are still unknown.
Risky subject:
The risk factors for testicular cancer or testicular cancer are:
During the development of the embryo, the testicles are formed in the abdomen and before the baby is born the testicles are released into the orthoid. Those who develop naturally in the testicles are less likely to develop testicular cancer or testicular cancer and those who do not normally release the testicles, they are at risk of getting cancer. Due to the transfer of the testicles to the testicles, it increases the risk of cancer. Most often it is due to hereditary causes.
Croupfilter's syndrome, due to various physical problems, increases the testicle abnormally. This increases the risk of developing testicular cancer.
If the family has testicular cancer, then the risk of developing this cancer increases.
Unmarried and under-age men are more likely to have this cancer. Generally, those who are 15 to 35 years of age have this cancer. However, people of any age group may have testicular cancer.
Testicular cancer is higher than that of blacks than blacks.
Those who are at risk
Sex: The probability of diagnosis of men is 2 times higher. In women, the probability of diagnosing this disease is 668 times less.
Nation: The probability of diagnosis of this disease is less than 5 times in black. On the other hand, there is a probability of diagnosis of hematology, Hispanics and other nations.
Health Tips
Testicular cancer can not be completely prevented. According to some doctors, it is possible to diagnose testicular cancer early in the test by testing testicles regularly. But not all doctors agree. Consult your doctor about whether testosterone testing is done manually. If you decide to do your own test test, after taking a bath with light hot water, the test will be tested. Mild hot water will help your testicles come in normal condition and help to detect any type of abnormalities of the testicles.
It is necessary to check whether there is any type of swelling in the front of the mirror.Each test should be done with two hands.
The testicles are usually smooth, oval and some are of a very strong nature. A testicle is slightly larger than another testicle. Regularly through this type of test, you can get specific insights into your testicle and be aware of any changes in the testicle. If you notice the penis in the testicle, consult a doctor.
Problems with the testicles, guys are now cautious
HydroSil may be due to various reasons such as injury, methane, excessive irritation, any type of infection, etc. Cells may increase due to eritation. Cells are tough due to the presence of fluid in the inside.
The accumulated fluid strains the pressure, or the blood or the blood mixed in the blood may become frozen. The liquid contents inside the testicle are stellar or sometimes yellow or yellowish.
With this, the combination of pigmented blood, fibrin, fat, mucous epithelium, sperm, etc. can be greenish, green or red in color.
The surface of the scratam contains the stored fluid in the cell and the lower part, but when combined with scratam for irritation or inflammation, the cells are bound themselves and stored on the liquid substances.
In this condition of the disease many times a stroke may occur with throttle hernia, but if the test is found in the hormone, it can be found in the abdominal ring and coughing will cause the testicle to swell but it will not be in the hydrosil. T
Bay is usually more due to the health, sleep disorders, trauma, and hanging testicles.
Testicle growth or hydrocellular syndrome:
1. It is understood that the testicle shows that the testicle is much larger than normal and normal size. In some cases it looks like a coconut that looks so big. Sometimes, once again, both of them can be so big.
2. The egg swollen fat and feels soft. It can be understood that the fluid content is found in the two screens of the testicle. The reason is that by holding an octave with a testicle with the hand and gentle pressure, you will feel soft.
3. The scrotum skin of this disease is thick and thick, but if the ear is white, the skin will be too thick, but it does not contain any kind of fluid content.
4. There is no pain or agony in the pain, and the testicle skin and its tissues are thick. Most of the time the same testicle is infected, and in some cases two eggs can be infected together.
5. If this disease is due to injury, there is pain in the place and there is a feeling of tension, even if the patient does not want to touch it.
6. If the disease is due to germs, fever comes along with the attack, but the body temperature does not grow too much. 07. In most cases, with the onset of this disease, the spermicidal cord swings a bit and inflammation occurs.
8. Often, the penises in the right side are swollen and there is terrible pain. It may also be due to vaginal disorders such as syphilis, gonorrhea etc.
9. This type of symptom can also occur if the patient is suffering from pharyngitis. Then the feet of the feet and the veins of the legs swell. It also stores more water in the testicle and swelling more.
Treatment in the first place is cured, but the disease may also require operation in a very difficult condition. 

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