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The food and nutrition needed to grow in the right balance of the baby

When a child is born, parents and family all have many dreams and thoughts. Feeding the baby will grow healthy! Everyone will do what they eat, how much they feed. At times, due to lack of proper knowledge, children's nutrition deficiency arises. As a result, the growth of children is not properly.
Mother's breast milk is the only food for six months since childbirth. During the birth of a child, mother is breast-fed, and she is known as colostum. It contains immune system which protects the child against various infectious diseases. The children's nutrition is discussed below

Many people think about how much milk will be after?
The baby needs adequate calories to grow properly. The amount of calories required from birth to six months is 100 kilocals per day for every kilogram of body weight and 100 kilocals per day for every kilogram of seven to 12 months. With the increase of body weight, the total caloric demand continued to rise, although the demand for calories in kilograms was reduced.
At birth, the baby's demand is 350 to 500 kilocals. At the age of one year 800 to 1,200 kilocalories were. After six months of age, the growth of the baby is not hampered with breast milk as well as other foods. The reason is that the demand for milk is not met. Do not get the time to milk the nutrients needed to build the baby's body. Vitamin C and iron are so low in milk that it does not meet the needs of the baby. And the amount of iron that comes from the womb in the body of the baby during birth can be reduced from six to seven months with the need of it. If there is a shortage of two nutrients at this time, then the child is prone to anemia. Vitamin A and Vitamin D are high in demand, which can not be filled with milk only. Fruit juice for Vitamin C Feeding codliver oils for egg yolk and vitamin A and D for iron is good. If it does not, then the dark green leafy vegetables and carrots can be boiled well and fed to the non-vegetarians. Vitamin D is produced under the skin of the baby while keeping the baby lying in the morning sunlight, which can meet the needs of the baby.
The weight of healthy and normal baby Bangladesh is 3-3.5 kgs during birth. If the nutrition requirements are properly observed, its weight is almost twice in five months and 3 times in one year.
To maintain this trend, the child should be given balanced feeding every day from the age of six months. The rice, pulses and vegetables are cooked and the spicy mixture is mixed with one and two to one teaspoon of the soft food. Many people think that rice is not good for a child. But rice is very easy to use for baby. With this, it is necessary to practice in the practice of feeding a small amount of pulses and soft-fried vegetables such as peepies, carrots, potato or copper oilless fish, and the simplest way like suji rice.
Pre-mature children's body structure is not as good as they have less weight. Feeding these babies requires special care. They have a little more caloric demand but they do not have the ability to digest. Mother's milk is also the best of the time, but it is possible to meet the demand when feeding on special formula. Immature children have more protein needs. If we can feed 4-5 grams per kilogram weight every day, the baby's weight will increase fast.
In this way, the baby's growth will be properly given if adequate food is provided to each child.
It should be remembered that this is the real time of the baby. Now if the child can grow properly with proper nutrition, then those children will be able to remain healthy and well-nourished. 
Child's weight and height increase chart according to age
To know whether the physical growth of the baby is normal, it is necessary to measure the weight, height, or height of the child in the prescribed Growth chart. It is necessary to know about this chart in detail. 
After the newborn world, weight decreases in the first week and weight remains constant for two to three weeks. Then gradually the weight continued to grow. Increases the weight of 25-30 grams per day in the first three months of the day. In the next months, weighing at a lower rate, weighs 40 grams per month for 3 to 12 months of age. At the age of 5-6 months, the weight of the child's birth is twofold, three times a year, four times in two years, five times in five years, six times in five years, and 10 times at 10 years of age. However, due to the difference in birth weight, the weight of two children of the same age can vary. If you get proper care and nutrition, then it reaches normal weight.
How important is weight gain: Children should weigh in every month till three years of age. If after two months of birth does not increase the child's weight, but should be aware that the child is getting adequate nutrition. If the situation does not change even after ensuring adequate nutrition, then the doctor should consult.
Weight and height chart: If you want to know if the growth of the baby is properly done, then regular weight, height should be matched with Growthchart. Growthchart is a scientifically-charted chart that covers weight, height, head cover, graph by age. Growthcharts made by the World Health Organization are universally recognized. There are separate charts for boys and girls.
Know the age of the child: To find out how many weeks the baby was born in the womb of pregnancy and the date of birth of the baby.
According to the medical report that she was born full-time in the mother's womb, she was about 40 weeks pregnant. However, if the child is born at least 37 weeks in the womb of a mother and after 42 weeks of birth, she is the full-time child.
Length measurement method: Doctors measure the length of the child. Apart from this, the length of the house is measured. For this, set a wooden table with a wall. Take a measuring stick. It is better to have a steel ribbon or a long wooden roller than the cotton cloth. Take a typical size-sized pisabord or a solid cloth. Now strap the ribbon with two circular tapes on the table. Now open the baby clothes and lie down on the table. Gently move him along the wall in such a way that his head lightly touches the wall. Now tweak the knees in two knees and make them straight on the waist. Hold the pissboard on the feet of the two feet and hold it straight and hold it straight. Now imagine the baby. That's the length of the child.
Height measurement method: Take a small board or a solid table for matching height. Put the child on the bare foot with the back of the wall and make it straight. In this case, his back should be on the back side of the head and the ankle foot should be on the wall. Now tell him to look at something in front of the straight nose, so that the neck is erect. Now the hard board touches the palms on his head in such a way that it touches the walls parallelly. Where the board touches the wall, put a mark there. Now tell the child to move away. Now, the height of the wall can be found in the height of the height till the marked place from the bottom.
Weight measuring method: Weight measurement can be measured by the weight of the baby. Apart from that, we can measure the weight of any baby with any deficiency or balance. In order to measure the weight of a small child, it can be used to sell market products. In that case, the baby is taken into a large container and weighing it.
Normally the bathroom scale is used for older children, although this scale does not give the right weight. Apart from this, a stain on this scale refers to 100 grams, which is very high. But if there is no better device than this, weight scale can be measured by bathroom scales. Before weighing weights, we have to check whether the value of the nickel or the scale is in the vacuum.
To measure the circumference of the head, it is better to call the doctor to measure the circumference of the head. Domestically, there is a risk of wrong mapping of the circumference of the head.
How Long Will: How Long Will a Child Become, It Depends on Many Things. For example, her mother and father are responsible for how long, her eating habits and nutrition, her physical well being, environment etc. However, an idea of ​​the potential height of the baby can be found by determining the height of the parents.
Measure the mother and father's height in centimeters separately for the child's potential height. If the child is a child, then the height of the father's height is indicated by the child's height in the right-hand line of the chart. Now add 12.5 cms to the height of the mother and similarly mark the height of the mother on that line. Now mark the area between F and M with X and see how many centimeters it is. The possible height of the son should be that this X is the height of the height or less than 8.5 centimeters or more.
If the child is a girl, then first mark the height of the mother with the height of the child on the right-hand side of the chart. Now mark the height of your father's father by subtracting 12.5 cm from his father's height. Now mark the middle of the M and F with X and see how many centimeters it is. Your daughter's potential height should be at this height of X or less than 8.5 cm or more.
 Foods that are risky for the fitness of the kid
The right and nutritious food needs a baby to grow well. Therefore, the food that is provided for the development of child and the development of correct intellect must be kept in mind. In many cases, relatives want to give or eat different types of food to the children, so be careful that the food is dangerous for the child.
According to experts, some fun food kids cannot easily digest. These foods prevent them from developing.
Here is a list of foods that are dangerous to the baby before a year before the baby is shown.
1. Cow's milk: It is better not to give cow's milk before the first year of the baby. Because the cow's milk contains more proteins and sodium which interferes with digestion of the baby's small stomach. Besides, there is less iron and essential fatty acids than cow's milk and formula milk. But iron and fatty acids are vital for the growth of the baby. For many children, if the cow's milk is given at an early age, it can cause acidity and allergic reactions.
2. Marine fish: Tuna, salmon, coral etc. Marine fish have high amounts of mercury so they are not suitable for babies. There are many types of dangerous bacteria in the milk without pasteurization. Without the pasteurization, milk should not be given to younger children.
3. Honey: Only after the birth of the child, the guardians let him lick honey. But it should not be given in a way until the kids are one year old. The baby is not far from honey till 6 months, no food can be given to the child. Because for one year the risk of botulism is due to the child, and honey carries the fungus.
4. Raisin: It is not good to feed their raisins at this age. After being a bit older, you have to give it. Because of the abundance of vitamin A is present. Which is not able to accept children under one year.
5. Chocolate: Children's favorite food chocolate. However, the cocoa used to damage digestion and damage the teeth. This can cause allergic reactions of many children. So it is better not to give chocolate as soon as possible and it can not be given exactly 1 year ago.
6. Egg: At this age, the egg is a bit of allergenic food. But not all problems will happen. So if someone has allergies in the family, it is better to wait a few days. If there is no problem in allergies, there is no problem to eat eggs. But you will have to slow down.
7. Large fruits and vegetables: Large pieces of vegetables such as carrots, cucumbers etc., and large pieces of fruit like apples, pears etc. should not be given at this age. To cook well, grind it into small pieces.
8. Hard chocolate or jelly: At this age children can not be given these foods, they will have to be excluded. Otherwise it will reduce the digestibility of baby digestion.
9. Nuts: Peanut or some such nut nuts are allergic, so it is best not to give these foods before the age of one year. And if a member of the family has allergies in the nut, then wait a few days or consult a doctor.
10. Salt: Children cannot tolerate kidney salt and sodium. Because salt contains plenty of sodium which causes problems in feeding the baby's stomach. So it is better not to add salt to the baby's diet. However, after one year, the child can add salt to the food a little bit. But a year ago, salt could not be used to prepare baby foods at all.

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