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Some very essential vitamins for women

Vitamins that very essential for women

Modern women are health conscious. They like to follow healthy diet plans. Healthy diet plan needs vitamin C acceleration. Women of all ages need different types of vitamin supplements for health according to their weight and level of activity. Vitamins are also highly effective for preventing various types of diseases.
Vitamin is a type of organic compound that helps in the functioning of different parts of the body. Every vitamin has specific function. Vitamin deficiency can cause serious health problems. So it is very important to know whether you are getting vitamin from the food you eat. If necessary, supplementary vitamins have to be taken in consultation with the doctor. The most important vitamins for women are:

1. Vitamin A: Vitamin A is essential for women of all ages. Body bones, teeth, soft tissues, skin and mucus help in the formation of the curd and provide energy to Vitamin A Vitamin also reduces the risk of long-term illness, improves vision, slows down the aging process and improves disease resistance.
Vitamin A rich foods are - carrots, tomato, fute, watermelon, guava, broccoli, pakakpi, papaya, peach fruit, red chillies, spinach, eggs, liver and milk.
2. Vitamin B2: Vitamin B2  known as Riboflavin, is essential for better health, normal growth and metabolism. It improves energy, strengthens the immune system. Vitamin B2 additionally reduces nervous tension and reduces depression, anxiety, stress and fatigue.
Metabolism and immune system are affected when deficiency of vitamin B2, tongue and lip feces, swelling of the throat, mouth ulcer, leakage, hair drying, wrinkles and skin irritants may be a problem.
Vitamin B2 rich foods are meat, cheese, milk, curd, vegetables, east, eggs, whole grains, soybean, kotash, nut and mushrooms.
3. Vitamin B 6: Vitamin B6 pyridoxine, essential for healthy immune system. This nutriment helps in brain production of chemical and body hormonesAs a result, it helps to reduce the problems of depression, cardiovascular and memory loss. Vitamin B6 can also management glucose level and unleash pregnant ladies from early ill health.
Anemia could also be thanks to vitamin B complex deficiency.
Foods known as Vitamin B6 are known as bananas, avocados, meat, peas, fish, oatmeals, nuts, seeds and dried fruits.
4. Vitamin B7: Vitamin B7 is known as biotin which is essential for the synthesis of fatty acids and the growth of cells. This vitamins keep the skin healthy, skin and gonorrhea. Actually these vitamins help to cure broken nails and enhance hair growth. Vitamin B7 also helps to keep bone and bone marrow levels normal and cholesterol levels are normal.
The deficiency of Vitamin B7 is very rare, but if it is then hair fall, abnormalities in heart function, rash, fatigue, bleeding and mild depression.
Vitamin B7's food sources include fish, sweet potato, amaranth, carrots, bananas, yellow fruits, green vegetables, lentils, brown rice, egg yolk, soybean, oatmeal, milk, cheese, nuts and yogurt etc.
5. Vitamin B 9: Vitamin B 9 is known as Folic Acid which prevents heart disease, high blood pressure, Alzheimer's, depression, cancer and memory loss. Vitamin B9 also improves the health and cellular activity of the brain, increases fertility and helps increase the fetus during pregnancy.
Vitamin B9 deficiency due to pregnant women can cause problems with the neural tube defects such as Spina-Bifida.
Vitamin B 9A-rich foods are- Greens, Orange juice, Asparagus, Mangoes, Cranberry, Semi Native vegetables, Peas, East and eggs.
6. Vitamin B12: Vitamin B12 is an essential vitamins that every woman should eat. This victuals is very important for metabolism, cellular division and macromolecule synthesis.This vitamin can prevent heart disease, erosion and loss of memory. It also helps to cure nervous system and brain activity, in the treatment of vitamin depression.
There is pain, depression and confusion when there is deficiency of vitamin B12. There can also be tongue and mouth inflammation in its deficiency.
Vitamin B12 is the source of: cheese, eggs, fish, meat, milk, and curd etc.
Are you taking these essential vitamins regularly?
Vitamins are excluded from being slim. As a result, the bull's eye at the young age. What is vitamin every day! Pregnanti or what is urgent! Let's know when women should get vitamin A.
Vitamin A: 'Beta carotene' is converted into vitamin V. Vitamin A is important in keeping eye eyesight, keeping skin good and producing soft tissues. Apricots, carrots, guava, bananas, papaya, pitch, pumpkin, red chillies, spinach, tomato, Vitamin A
Vitamin C: Vitamin C contains ascorbic acid, which works to cure body lesions and infections. Creates red blood cells in the body, helps to maintain memory, increase focus. Vitamin C or ascorbic acid levels decrease in body after excessive stress or aging. Broccoli, grape, kiwi, orangol, potato, strawberry and tomato are rich in Vitamin C.
Vitamin E: Vitamin E does not let the age impression in women. Sunflower oil, margarine, corn oil, cod liver oil, peanut butter, hazelnut and gum vitamin V.
Vitamin K: Vitamin K is good for stopping adult women to keep their bones strong and blood clots. Soybean oil, broccoli, green leafy vegetables, fish oil rich in foil.
Vitamin B6: Vitamin B6 is called Pididoxin. To maintain the nerve function, it is necessary for the body to convert food to energy, ie, for metabolism, this vitamin is necessary. To keep the ability to give birth to women, this vitamin works in egg production. However, it is also harmful if the vitamin body is too high. Fish, potato, avogadado, banana, beans, meat, oatmeal, grains are rich in Vitamin B6.
Vitamin B12: Besides keeping the body's metabolism, this vitamin is essential for red blood cells. Vitamin B12 is available from cheeses, eggs, fish, meat, milk and yogurt. If you have anemia and are accustomed to vegetarian diet, then there is a lack of vitamin on the body.
Vitamin B1: Carbohydrate, Protein and Fat Metabolism works. The more calories it needs, the more it is needed. Those who eat more alcohol are more likely to have a B1 deficiency. Vitamin B1 is found in bins, grains, barley
Vitamin B2: To help build blood cells, increase energy, keep digestion energy, keep eyes and skin good Vitamin B2 Dairy foods, meat, eggs, green vegetables, nuts, this vitamin is rich.
Niacin: Niacin is Vitamin B3. To avoid heart problems, keep blood sugar levels fixed, blood circulation in the artery, digestion and nerve function are necessary to maintain. These vitamins are found in carrots, beans, and green vegetables.
Vitamin D: Although Vitamin D is called Vitamin D, it works like a hormone. Helps strengthen the bones with the help of calcium and phosphorus in the body. When there is a lack of vitamin D in the body, calcium from phlegm phosphorus is taken from the bone. As a result, the bones are gradually becoming soft, from which osteoporosis is. Eat eggs, fish to meet the deficiency of vitamin D Vitamin D is the best source of sunshine. However, it is very important to eat calcium or vitamin D supplements after a certain age, especially after menstruation is stopped.
Folate (Folic Acid): Folic acid needed to create healthy brain and spinal cord for the fetus. Helps in forming DNA and RAaA in cells and preventing cancer by stopping DNA changes. This vitamin suppresses anemia by making adult and children's red blood cells. Folic acid is very important for Pregnant women. Folic acid is included in spinach, green vegetables, strawberry, black beans, grains, eggs and meat.
Antioxidants: Antioxidants are those components that help in the body's immune system. Antioxidants include 'Vitamin A', Vitamin C, Vitamin E. The antioxidant's role in maintaining the age of the body's immune system is remarkable. Apart from this, any type of virus protects the body from bacteria. 

The most necessary air for our survival and the position of food after water. Our food needs health and energy. The food should be the right type and each correct amount. If we want to eat properly we should have knowledge of the main six components of food. Among the six ingredients, carbohydrates, meat and fennel foods contribute to the body's strength, body composition and corrosion. Vitamin A is a very small amount of organic compounds needed for proper functioning of vital nutrition, growth, metabolism, etc. of our body.  In the past two decades people have found themselves eating vitamin pills and syrups.
For this 90 decades have been identified as Vitamin and Mineral Disease. This trend has further spread in the new century. Many people think of Vitamin due to any physical problems or weaknesses and start eating them by buying Vitamin itself. If there is a lack of vitamins in the body, taking vitamin unnecessary vitamins can cause damage especially in the field. Vitamin should not be blamed for all physical problems. In order to enrich Vitamin food, we have to keep several things in mind. Vitamin Pill Inflammation Without considering the vitamin, all of us should eat simple foods that are rich in vitamins. We need to know about the amount of vitamins in the diet and how often it needs to be eaten. Of course, we have to be in our simple availability and at the lowest level. All types of vitamins are needed for physical activity and growth. Some vitamins in vitamins include soluble vitamins such as Vitamin A, D, Remains. These vitamins may be stored in the body.
Some vitamins are soluble in water like Vitamin C and Vitamin B complex. They are not stored in the body. Vitamin 'A' is found in liver, egg yolk, milk, butter, fish and cod liver oil. Besides yellow fruit and dark green leafy vegetables such as papaya, seasoned mango, carrots, sweet pumpkin, jackfruit, squash, kochashak, spinach, sweet potato, kalimishak etc. In addition to physical growth, Vitamin A helps maintain eye vision in light light. Vitamin A lacks eyesight and many children become blind. Vitamin D content is milk, butter, cod liver oil, egg yolk, Liver etc. This vitamin is made on skin by the sun's ultraviolet ray effect. Vitamin D helps to absorb calcium and phosphorus from the small intestine. This calcium plays a significant role in the formation of tooth and bone. Due to vitamin D deficiency, children's rickets and adult stools are malicious. The demand for calcium in pregnancy and milking women increased greatly. Problems with postoperative or post-menstrual aggravation of porosis or bone loss. As a result, increased bone fragility increases. Calcium helps protect bone fracture.
Vitamin 'E' controls the normal development of the body, increasing the reproductive capacity, controlling the pregnancy and normal growth of the fetus during pregnancy and delivery function. Vitamin A contains green vegetables, beans, egg yolk, almonds, milk, and vegetable oil in vegetable oil. Vitamin K is the blood clotting vitamins. Vitamin K plays a role in releasing bile from the gallbladder. This vitamin is usually made in the body. Available in cauliflower, cabbage, tomato, lettuce, fresh vegetables, vegetables, milk and egg vitamins. Vitamin C or escorbic acid is a scurvy-resistant vitamin Its function is to refresh the teeth and bones, heal the wounds, prevent disease, nourish the red blood cells, etc. Vitamin-eating foods can easily be filled with the lack of it. Amalaki, lemon, orange, tomatoes, dried vegetables, guava, There are plenty of vitamins available in pineapple. Vitamin B complex contains many vitamins such as thiamine or B-this vitamin is called bariribic Vitamin. This vitamins keep good digestion and increase the taste of food. These vitamins contain high quantities of rice, pulses, nuts, beans, vegetables, eggs, beet, egg yolk and milk.
These vitamins are found in Riboflavin or B2-Barabati, Border, Green Vegetable, Paneer, Milk, Egg etc. In the absence of the lip corner and tongue wounds are caused. Niacin (B2) plays a role in activating the body's enzymes. Pelagra disease is due to its absence. When the pelagra occurs, the skin becomes turbid, the thin bowel and the memory loss decreases. It is found in chilly, peanut, butter, sweet potato, green leafy vegetables. Folic Acid - The demand for folic acid during pregnancy is extremely high. In absence of this, there is anemia or anemia. There may be birth defects of the fetus. Milk and fresh greens - vegetables contain folic acid. Other members of the Vitamin B complex include pyhyridskin, biotin, coulin, and aceticellular They take part in blood transfusion and other metabolic activities.
We must be careful when preparing vitamins rich foods so that Vitamin does not get spoiled. If it is too hot or cooked for a long time, keep the air open for a long time and if the water becomes dry, then this vitamin is damaged. Take as much water as possible to cook vegetables and get ready to boil. Cut as much of the pieces as possible, so that the cut portion of the food should not be opened in the air due to small cuts. Vegetables should be covered with capsicum and the residue of the food should be kept well covered in the refrigerated or otherwise the vitamin will be damaged. Some other components are required in the body very little, but if the deficiency is not done physiologically, then there can be serious problems, such as mineral salt or mineral. These are common tasks such as calcium, phosphorus, iodine, iron, magnesium, manganese, chlorine, sodium etc. - tooth and bone formation, muscle making, To protect the normal vibrations of the heart, to control blood clotting, muscle contraction, control the nervous tension and help in maintaining body fluid or water balance. Green vegetables, fresh fruits, milk, eggs, pulses, meat etc. are the main sources of mineral.

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