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Find out the reason why your menstrual cycle delay?

Find out the reason why your Menstrual cycle delay
A major part of women's life is periods or Menstrual cycle . Most women of the period at a particular time of each month. It can be seen many times that the period is delayed for some reason or reason. At this time many people got scared. Someone or someone else is flown out of it. What are the reasons for the delay? 
If you do not have pregnancies due to different reasons can be delayed.  The whole process of the period is controlled by a few hormones, which can result in a change in hormone levels. The reason behind the period may be a major change in the way of life:
1. Environmental changes
2. Sudden decrease in weight or decrease in weight
3. Diet
4. Heavy exercise or athletics, such as running or dancing exercises
5. Travel to new places or come to a new place
6. Mental changes, psychological push of any kind

The doctor said that it can be time-lapse due to frequent birth control pills or any other emergency pill.
Does it mean there is no sickness behind the delay? The doctor said intensive, may have had. The diseases that may have contributed to the period of delay are:
1. Any infection that affects the overlay
2. If you have tumor on the cyst, outerres, ovaries may lead to period lapse or excess bleeding
3. There may also be period lapses due to illness that can cause major stress on the body
4. If the hormonal level becomes abnormal due to any disease, it may be time-lapse.
If you have bad health due to any illness and this is a delayed period, then proper treatment should be taken to repair the disease. Besides, there is a rule to eat. Be careful about smoking, caffeine and alcohol.
Do you have to worry if you have a delay? Normally there is nothing to worry about due to periodic changes due to environmental or any change of living. But in some cases it is better to make sure by showing the doctor. If you have an abdominal pain, after two months of non-period or birth control pills, after two or three months of the meal, it is better to go to a doctor. Remember, awareness is not important, awareness is important.
Make regular irregular periods in five straightforward domestic ways 
Girls with periods or menstruation often have to face a problem, which is irregular monthly. Apart from pregnancy, this problem can be seen due to some more reasons. For example, due to excess weight loss, stress, thyroid problems, stress, overweight problems, excessive exercise, hormonal imbalance, etc. may be irregular to menstruation. If there is irregular menstruation, anxiety is not the end. Suddenly, when you start getting irregular in your menstruation, there are a few simple ways to adjust it regularly. Let's know the ways.
1. Ginger: Ginger is quite useful for regular menstrual cycle. Boil 1 cup of water in a bowl of 1/2 teaspoon ginger and cook for 5 to 7 minutes. If you want, you can add a little sugar to it. Drink it after eating three meals. Drink it regularly for a month.
2. Sesame and molasses: The sesame will help to adjust your irregular menstrual period. Sesame material produces hormones. Pour little amount of sesame seeds powder. Mix one spoon molasses with it. Every day it is eaten one teaspoon of empty stomach. You will also be regular on your menses every day.
3. Apple Sider Vinegar: Drink 1/2 table spoon apple sider vinegar in water before eating it. It reduces blood sugar and blood sugar. Which is regularly monthly.
4. Exercise: Some exercises, such as jumping, dancing, etc, sometimes become menstrual. Because of this the muscles are obstructing, due to which the muscles begin to contract, reduce blood flow to the body. Exercise after the menstrual period is likely to be monthly in the right time.
5. Sour fruit:  Especially tamarind . Soak the dumplings in a mixture of sugar for one hour. Then add a little bit salt, sugar ,cumin powder  . Drink it twice a day. This will make your irregular monthly regular.
If you are often suffering from irregular menstrual problems, you should understand that it is time to change your diet. Vegetable vegetables, keep fruit in the diet Pineapple often gives irregular menstrual periods regularly.
Apart from pregnancy, other periods may be delayed due to women's period

Generally, after 28 days the period is over. But sometimes it may be possible to justify this time. It can be sometime after one week. Sometimes it may be sometimes a month or more. If there is no period of time, many women are worried.
Especially married women are worried about unwanted pregnancies. Apart from pregnancy, there may be delay for some other reasons. Find out the reasons.
Sudden decrease in weight or excessive exercise: There may be a delay in the period when you are having a very difficult diet or if you suddenly lose some unusual abnormal weight. Periods may be delayed due to excessive exercise. If the BMI is suddenly dropped below 18/19, the period is likely to be late.
Thyroid Hormone Imbalance.
The thyroid gland below the neck helps to normalize all the functioning of the body. If thyroid gland is more or less than the normal thyroid gland, then its effect on the whole process of the body and its delay may be delayed.
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is a hormonal problem. Three essential hormone estrogen, progesterone and testosterone production levels decreases in polycystic ovary syndrome.
As a result the delay is delayed. Polycystic ovary syndrome can increase the hair's thickness around the mouth and breasts of women. This problem should contact the doctor as soon as possible.
Additional stress: There may be delay in period when additional stress is created. Hypothalamic amnoria may occur if you suddenly break down emotionally. This is likely to delay the period of normal hormonal disruption. This problem can be caused by a loss of a loved one, breakup, failure of the exam or any other major mental injury.
Period: The things that need to be healthy to know
The word period is still known as shameful words in most of our country. And this is why they are facing many problems for a long time. Sometimes it may be due to its inadmissibility or unknowing. Studies have shown that the use of a pad or cotton strap for long periods of time is not going to be clean during the period, or the girls are moving towards cervical cancer. So we need to have our clear knowledge about this.
Period: It is a normal body of anatomical process in women. Because it is once a month, it is also known as 'Monthly' in the rural areas. Monthly usually lasts for 3-7 days. It starts at any one age of 10-14 years and starts till 45-55 years of age. Because the period is regular, women's body maintains the balance of the chemical balance and hormone, the girls are healthy.

How to understand the period

The periods that can be predicted to be periods may be
1. Breasts grow and emotions will increase.
2. The rash may arise in the face.
3. There will be gas in the stomach and suddenly the weight may increase.
4. The mind is depressed and the mood may become bitter.
5. Interest in food may increase.
6. Much of the time does not like anything.
What can happen during periods
Common problems that occur during periods of time
1. Pain on the waist, abdomen, abdominal, and abdominal pain.
2. Mood may be bad.
3. Headache can happen.
4. There will be weakness and fatigue.
5. Many may cry too
6. May cause gas in the abdomen.
7. Breast pain can occur.
8. The back may cause pain
Period problem
Problems that can occur during the period of time are, 
1. Anorea or irregular period
2. Disenoria or Dysfunctional Period.
3. Stress and abnormal bleeding may occur.
When to go to the doctor 

The symptoms that you should go to the doctor without neglecting the symptoms are
1. If you do not have a period even after 15 years of age.
2. If you do not have the period of 3 years after the breasts begin to grow.
3. If the premature closure does not start within 90 days.
4. If there is irregularity to stay bleeding regularly.
5. If bleeding is more than 7 days.
6. If the period begins 21 days or 35 days later.
7. If you have to change the pad after heavy bleeding, ie after 1-2 hours.
8. If there is a lot of pain during the period.
9. If you feel bad after using pads, irritation, fever comes.
10.Bleeding between two periods.
When to change the pad: In order to change the pad, the rules are required to:
1. If you use sanitary napkin, you have to change the packet time.
2. After 4-8 hours the pad should be changed.
3. Padd space will be changed occasionally.
4. Do not use pad without period.
5. If you have diarrhea, fever, nausea and rash, then consult a doctor immediately after using a pad or cotton strap.
6. Do not use more absorbing pads, because it contains more synthetic material which is harmful for the body.
In relation to physical relation: It is better not to have a physical relationship during the period, because at this time the uterus falls down, it has the possibility of infections. Clear cleaning at this time is very important at this time.
What to eat at irregular period
Many women suffer from irregular periods. This problem is seen in more than one unmarried girls. Due to irregular periods there may be many other physical problems, including child-bearing problems. But what to do? There are two domestic ways. If any one of them complies with just 1 month, the problem of irregular period will be settled forever.
Many women suffer from irregular periods. This problem is seen in more than one unmarried girls. Due to irregular periods there may be many other physical problems, including child-bearing problems. But what to do? There are two domestic ways. If any one of them complies with just 1 month, the problem of irregular period will be settled forever.
Cinnamon is another very effective element to adjust the period. It is possible to get rid of seasonal pain using this cinnamon. Add half a spoonful of cinnamon powder to one glass of milk. You can give honey with it. Drink this mixture 4 to 5 weeks. The problem of irregular period will be cut. You can also eat cinnamon tea and can cook a piece of cinnamon every day, but if you can cook it, it will be useful.
We know about many different types of adolescents. It is very useful to cure cold cough. Not only this, it is also useful to make irregular periods regularly. Take 1 cup water first. Add 1 teaspoon of fine ginger to 5 to 7 minutes. Add a little sugar or honey with it. After drinking this drink, eat 3 times a day. If the mixture is taken for 1 month regularly, the problem of irregular period will be easily removed.

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