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Do you need eye glasses???

What do you think you need glasses now?

 Look at your surroundings and see. What did you see? Many eyeglasses are wearing glasses, is not it? Many types of living conditions are needed nowadays, many people need glasses. Whether or not it requires glasses, it is actually good to be sure to go to the optician. But by looking at some signs you can also guess whether the time has come for your glasses to arrive. Let's see these signs.
1. You keep clinging in front of the computer: Our muscles are most tired when we look at something very close and concentrate on the details - which are on the computer to work. If your eyesight is reduced, then the work of these muscles increases further. You get to sleep due to fatigue of these muscles. If you take glasses and your eyes get tired then work away from the monitor a little and often remove the eyelids.
2. You need a bright light to read: If you do not read the book in the light of a normal reading lamp, if there are some more lights to burn, then there are reasons to wonder what the book is about. Especially, it used to be light in the light, but now it needs more light, but it is not good. It can be matched with age. Studies show that 60-year-old people need about 3 times more light than people of 20 years of age.
3. When you read a book, your hand becomes pain: It is strange, is not it? But imagine, when you read books by hand, do you bring a lot of eyebrows and read books and hand pain easily? Or to keep books away from the eyes and read the book? In both cases you may need glasses.
4. When you have a headache, you have a lot of pressure on the eye for a long time. This pressure can easily be your headache. Or the headache can make it even more intense. Hyperopia or astigmatism may cause the pain behind your eyes. These two problems can be fixed using glasses. If you do not want to become a victim of this headache, then you should give small breaks while working. Doctors asked to follow the 20-20-20 rules. When working, take 20 seconds to look at anything at least 20 feet away, every 20 seconds. You can also resort to some domestic ways of removing headaches.
5. You do not eat vegetables: Carrots are not the only vegetables to keep eyes healthy. You must eat other vegetables too. Especially the green leafy eating is necessary. These foods contain Lutyens and Ziazantin. These are antioxidants that keep your eye lens clean, reduces chances of chances and keep away glasses.
6. You see the light of the light : When you look at any lamp, you see a light halo or Halo surrounding him. It also seems that the light is spreading or becoming dull. This problem can arise from light bulb to car headlight. Talk to a doctor because this can be a sign of cataracts.
7. At your age 40: Do you remember the song "40 Perlai Rally"? It is not a lie, because the above mentioned symptoms may come to your life because of this age. From 40 to 60 your eyesight will be worse. As a result, your glasses may take place.

There are some other symptoms that can be understood from your glasses.
1. Having trouble viewing at night
2. There is a problem to see the light coming from the dark
3. One thing to see two
4. Pushing to come back, stumble

The most important and complex part of our body is the eye. It is especially necessary to take proper care of the eyes. You should be careful when there is little discrepancy in your eye. Because you may lose your sight, your eyesight. There are some luminaries, which will explain whether your eyes are tired or not-
Red: If you look at a computer screen for a long time, your eyes may dry. Then the eyes become red. Irritation
Watering through the eyes: Water can also be covered by eyes for a long time. Then understand that your eyes are tired. Need his rest
Pain in the eye : If the eye is over-hard, if not properly sleep, pain in the eye.
Double vision or glance in sight: If you see everything in a muddy muddy, be cautious immediately. This is when the eyes are tired more. 
What to do to keep eyes good?
Round eyes are always protected due to the location. What is seen from outside is covered with eyelids. Besides, Islesh and Ivruh protect the eyes from dust and dirt. Tears usually keep the eyes healthy by washing and destroying dust and bacteria. You can do more to keep eyes better .
Proper use of light : The eyes can take any light in a little while. But in order to keep the eyes good, it should not be done in low light or intense light and other activities. During the day, it is better to not light the sun's light directly. Night tube light lamps are comfortable for eyes. During the reading of the lamp lamp, it is better to fall in the reflected light while keeping the lamp in front of the wall.
TV viewing: When watching TV, TV should be seen by lighting a tube light or shade-linked 40 or 60 watt bulb on the rear wall of the TV. The TV is not exactly seen in the dark room. The door or window of the day is reflected in the TV screen, it is good to keep them closed. Usually TV should be seen from 10 feet away. But TV should not be seen from less than six feet away. Different sizes of TVs have to be maintained in different sizes. It is better to not show the jharkhike, trembling shiver and pictures of the shadow shadow. To watch the TV with color, brightness and contrast on the color TV, just keep watching. The TV should not be seen continuously, occasionally, with the interruption of view, the TV is good for the eyes seen.
Decorative use: Cosmetics are harmful for eyes. If you use excess cosmetics in your eyes, it is more likely to cause allergic conjunctivitis, blepharitis, stai and other diseases. If you have dandruff, you will have to keep the head dry-free using dandruff shampoo twice a week. Otherwise, blepharitis can be seen in the eyes due to headache.
Dust and dirty environment: Everyday work should be thoroughly washed with cold and clean water. 
Ultraviolet ray eye enemies of sunlight So it is better to stay away from sunlight. Sunglasses should be worn when sunlight. Those who wear glasses, they will be comfortable to use photocrometic lenses. It is important to use black glasses for conjunctivitis, corneal ulcer, Iriatitis patients and cataract surgery. Before you go to bed every day to keep your eyes good, it is better to wash and wash the eyes with cold and clean water.
Eye care during various diseases: Special care is needed for children with measles, jerking, hooping, diarrhea etc.. If these diseases are not properly treated, there is a risk of loss of eyes. 
If diabetes and high blood pressure patients do not receive treatment at the right time, there is a risk of permanent damage to the eyes. Diabetes can be diabetic retinopathy if diabetes is uncontrolled for a long time. It is possible to keep eyes healthy if you have control of diabetes or blood pressure with these diseases regularly and accurately.
Eyeglasses: Those who need glasses should wear eyeglasses by looking at the doctor's suggestion. Naturally, it is difficult to study from around the age of 40 years and to see things nearby. At this time many people use their own redeemed eyeglasses, which are harmful for the eyes. Of course, the eye specialist will check the eyes and wear the necessary glasses. Many people think that if you use glasses this time, you will have to wear glasses throughout life. So do not use glasses. If you use eyeglasses, eyes are good or study, or you are under pressure to see things nearby. This pressure continues to damage the eye. Glasses should always be kept clean. The opaque and flat lens should not be used.
Suddenly, when you read something in the eye: There are some things that can be seen from dust, insects, small pieces of pistachios, or small pieces of play. Due to these, barking at first sight, continuous water with eyes, irritation of eyes on eyes and eyes closed, eyes become red. If it is not taken out quickly, it can cause eye damage to the dirty coennial, it is not unusual to have eyes blinded at one stage of the loss. If such feelings are felt, then everyone, especially children, often have eyes or wrists, that can not be done at all. If you find something easy to see, try to bring cottage or cotton cotton a little and then bring it out with the help of others. 
The food that keeps the eye good 7 foods
Presently, decreasing vision is a very common problem. Due to age increase, malnutrition, excessive use of technology, etc., our vision decreases. It is important to be aware that to keep eyesight and to remove blindness. But there are some foods, which help to keep the eye better. Lifestyle-related website Boldsky said seven meals that help keep the eye healthy:

1. Carrots: Carrots are a very healthy and nutritious vegetable. It can be eaten raw or cooked. One of the foods that should be taken to get healthy eyes is the carrot. It contains vitamins and beta carotene, which helps keep eyes healthy. Beta carotene is a very strong anti-oxidant. It helps to prevent cataracts, reduce the incidence of eyes due to age, etc. Moreover, fiber and potassium in the carrots. These two components are also good for the body. Carrot prevention. And if you have thought of weight loss then carrot can help you.
2. Pallets: Pulsecchi keeps the eye sight. Lutain is in Palantak. It helps prevent recurrence of eyesight in old age. Besides, this leafy eye also works to prevent various diseases.
3. Nuts: You can eat different types of nuts, such as: kalasham, walnat etc. to keep the eyes good. These are excellent sources of vitamin-E and zinc. Nuts help keep eye health better and increase eyesight.
4. Avocado: Avocado helps increase sight. It's a good source of looting. Avocados protect eyes against various types of diseases.
5. Fish: It is important to eat omega 3 fatty acids with good eyesight. This type of fish protects the eyes and helps to increase sight. Such as: tuna, salmon, cod, sardine etc. Apart from this, different types of small fish can also be eaten to keep eye health better. Such as: molluscum, ropes etc.
6. Egg: The primary source of looting the white part of the egg. In addition, it contains giachenin. These two components are beneficial for eyes. Eggs prevent the decrease of sight in old age. At the same time help prevent cataracts.
7. Garlic: Garlic is quite beneficial to make eye sight. Garlic antioxidant protects the eye lens. So keeping the eye good, it is important to keep regular garlic in the diet.
8. Maize: Bhutta contains plenty of iron, vitamin B12, vitamin A, c and lycopine; Which helps to sharpen the eyes. In half-cup cooked pottery, all the components needed for a human eye are adequate. So regular corn can eat. And playing regular corn does not have any risk of losing eye pigment. Even the risk of falling cataracts is reduced.
9. Sweet potato: Sweet potato is full of nutrients. It contains beta-carotene, Vitamin-C, E and D. Sweet potato is a very important food in eye care. It keeps eye health good. It does not have to compare the eyesight. Most of the nutrients needed by a person every day are available in a medium-sized sweet potato. It contains 28 percent of daily demand of manganese and 40 percent Vitamin C. And the sweet potato is not only useful for eye care, it also helps in bone cramps. Sweet potato is also very useful to keep blood pressure under control.
10. Tomatoes: Tomatoes are now available throughout the year. Tomatoes contain Vitamin A, B, C, K, Calcium, Potassium, Lycopine, Chromium, and various components. Tomato is eaten raw as it is consumed, as well as cooked. Tomatoes in salad are unmatched. Tomato eating too much profit in eating eyes. One study found that leekopin in tomato helps protect eye retina. It protects the eyes from the sun's harmful rays.

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