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Smartphone has a permanent effect in the brain!

 In the excellence of technology, the whole world is at hand. Easier to say than you have a smartphone or internet connection in your hand, you can spell the whole world. But this smartphone has many advantages such as. Similarly, dependence on a smartphone can make you intellectually damaged.
Recently, two research papers of Italy and France were published in the MIT Sloane Management Review, where researchers conducted some experiments without any smartphones in their favor. It was seen, in the absence of a smartphone, overall, the mental depression and anxiety increased in them. The extra time they are getting on that day, when they were making noise in the daily routine due to their lack of decency.
Why is this psychological change? A group of researchers from Korea University have shown that there will be some permanent changes due to excessive addiction in smartphone surfing. Those who are suffering from depression, angijaiti, accessive impulsivity, and insomnia.
In a study report at the Radiological Society of North America Conference, Korean researcher Huang Sako Siou said that with the help of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) advanced experiments in magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS), they found that gamma amino buretic acid in the brain of a group of teenagers and addicted to the Internet. 

GABA is responsible for vision, motor nerve control and multiple brain functioning, such as anxiety, proper behavior of judgment.
According to Korean researchers, it is found that the normal teenager in the non-drug addiction, which is the proportion of GABA and GLX in the antirere syndrome cortex, is a few times more likely to be infected with Nomophobia. Depression, anxiety Increasing volume increases due to proliferation, neural disorder. At the same time, due to the increase in GABA and keratin ratios and GABA and glutamate ratios, there are many symptoms of unhealthy body rushed to the body.
Researchers head Huang Sako Siou said that although their research was pioneered in this regard, even if tested on a larger scale in the future, it would be properly known, how much of the smartphone's addiction is damaging.
The habit of keeping the brain healthy is to leave immediately
Every day we do something we do not understand, which directly affects our brain. The brain is such an important thing in the human body, without which our entire body is stagnant. The brain is involved with every part of our body so that we can understand the moment when it is in the body. But due to some of our wrong habits, we gradually harm our brain. Know that you must abandon the 10 habits that keep this important part of your body healthy.
Not breakfast in the morning: We are many who do not have breakfast in the morning. It once became a very bad habit. And because of not having breakfast in the morning, there is not enough nourishment in the brain. This causes the brain to have a slow and harmful effect. So definitely do not forget to breakfast.
Too much diet: We are able to diet if we gain weight. But always too much diet, but it is very harmful for our body and also for the brain. So be careful with diet so that you are healthy, there will be no bad effect of the brain.
Skip Smoking Today: Smoking is the cause of many diseases. Psychosis can not be eliminated by the harmful effects of smoking. Due to smoking, it is not only the cancer that is due to which the brain collapses and also leads to the disappearance of Alzheimer's memory.
Eating too much: Most of us think that eating sweets helps the brain. But no such study has ever been found out. Playing sweets in excessively, it prevents the digestion and absorption of nutrients, which can have harmful effects on the brain. So refrain from eating extra sweets.
Air Pollution: To go out every day and to go out is to bear air pollution. As a result of air pollution, the efficiency of the brain gradually gets damaged. Because of the air pollution, oxygen-rich air can not go to our brain. As a result, the brain gradually lost normal functioning. So be aware of this and tell others to be aware.
Sleep is very low: enough sleep is necessary for the recovery of the brain. Sleep is very important for controlling the normal functioning of the brain cells. So, make a habit of sleeping 7/8 hours a day. Day after day or night, if it is asleep, it can cause serious damage to the brain cells. So accept sleep as a very important matter for the rest of the brain.
Sleeping and sleeping during sleep: Many are sleeping while sleeping. specially. But it is better for the sleeping brain to leave the head open before going to bed. Because the amount of carbon dioxide concentrates on the head, and decreases the amount of oxygen which causes damage to the brain.
Doing extra work in the sick body: When all the body is sick, then all of us should get adequate rest. Because because the brain is involved with everything in the body so there is a need to rest in sickness. During the illness, the brain can not tolerate excessive pressure, and gradually decreases the brain's functioning and also causes serious harm.
Do not worry about anything: Thinklessly the brain collapses slowly and destroys the brain's performance. So think more than that. Try to learn something new, work with brain diligence, by which the brain will become more efficient and you will become more efficient and attentive.
Not to say too much: Many people are very quiet. Do not talk to anyone. But being more silent is harmful to the brain. Because the more you speak, the more you talk to people, the greater the normal efficiency of your brain. So talk too much.
Additional food intake: Extra eating habits spoil our brain blood plasma system. As a result many mental problems may arise.
Do not worry: Think more about it, it is very important to think about brain cells. The more creative you can focus on, the more your brain cells will be stimulated. You can be more skilled and attentive to any work. Because the anxious brain slowly collapses and breaks the functioning of the brain.
Silence: It is harmful for the brain to remain silent. Because the more intellectual discussions you can take part in, it will be useful to increase the brain's normal efficiency. So do not be silent but keep your brain fresh with more talk in the workplace.
The way in which memory retention will increase
With age, people's thinking, memory retardation decreases. It's a great place to go at a time. Think of it, you can not remember anything. Phone number, collegiate name, even favorite friend's birthday! It is afraid to think of it, is not it? But truth is, you have to read in such situations at one time of life. But this change happens before the age, but it is not desirable for anyone. Studies have shown that some habits help in increasing brain efficiency. If these habits can be mastered, the brain's excellence will increase.
Grouping and Related Words: Find another word whenever you are familiar with something new or learn something new. The word you are already familiar with. If you are familiar with a new person, remember the name of someone who is familiar with that name to remember his name. You will not see the future forgetting his name. Remember to break the big number in order to remember the phone number, such as remembering the number of 11 numbers by 3 numbers 3 numbers.
Regular exercise and healthy food: Scientifically proven exercise enhances brain efficiency. Each time you exercise, a new cell is created in your brain. The brain is the easiest and best way to increase brain efficiency. As our body needs energy, as well as the need for energy of the brain. We all know fruits, vegetables, fish are beneficial for health. Fruits, vegetables with omega-3, nutmeg, beans, spinach, sweet pumpkin seeds, marine fish, colorful fruits, green tea etc. help to increase the efficiency of the brain.
Sleep: Many of us do not care about sleeping . But the role of sleep is healthy to keep body and mind healthy. Dotoxification act of sleep brain During sleep, our cell rearranges cells and eliminates poisonous substances. Try to go to sleep between 9am and 10pm. Midnight is the best time to sleep.
Meditation: Meditation is one of the most important ways to increase memory. Researchers at the University of Calfonia researched among 48 students and found that meditation increased brain excellence. They divided the students into two groups, one of them made nutrition classes and another took meditation. At the end of the class, they see who have meditated their memory has increased more than others.
Stay away from stress: stress is responsible for damaging your memory. Stress also destroys long-term memory as well as destroying your temporary memory. The easy and effective way to reduce stress is to take long breaths. It keeps the brain active by keeping blood circulation normal in the brain.
Along with these practices, abstain from smoking, alcoholism. Practice regular book reading, it will keep you away from negative thoughts. Stop using Calculator to make small calculations. Dependence on an electronic device or calculator makes our brain lazy.
Smile aloud: Laugh at least 30 minutes of life at least once a day. This can increase learning and memory capacity by 38 percent. This information was found in a study conducted by Loma Linda University in California, California.
Stay young at dancing: whether Samba, Salsa or Tango - 76 percent of the reduction in dementia risk. The study by Albert Einstein College of New York reports that. It has been said that the brain gets oxygen and energy through dance.
Food that will sharpen the brain
What is the food to keep the stomach full? Of course not. Food helps in body energy; Helps in increasing brain efficiency. And the brain is the source of all work, is not it? There are some foods that help to sharpen the brain. Healthy website Yahoo Health said that the name of some foods that sharpen the brain.
1. Blueberries: Blueberries contain antioxidants. It reduces brain pressure. Increase learning ability and increase brain memory.
2. Citrus fruit: Lemon or orange foods keep the brain healthy. Keep these citrus fruits in daily diet. It is said in the study that people who eat citrus fruits every day, their brain is sharp.
3. Nuts: Nuts contains high amounts of Vitamin-E, monosaturated fats, vitamins and mineral oils. It helps to raise memory. Almond is very good food for the brain. A study by The Journal of Nutrition states that keeping the potato on the diet, it is better to increase brain cells.
4. Coffee: Coffee contains high amounts of antioxidants. Studies have said that regular coffee drinks prevent memory. But it would be better not to add cream and sugar.
5. Egg: Egg helps to make the brain cells better. Eggs help to increase Vitamin retention; It also keeps the nerves healthy.
6. Chocolate: A dark piece of dark chocolate can make the brain extremely efficient in the morning or in the afternoon. Dark Chocolate helps raise attention. Besides, the source of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. These components keep the body functioning by improving blood pressure.
7. Avocado and crude grains: These two types of foods contain a lot of easy-to-use fiber which are rich in small glialic index. This material helps to increase brain efficiency. Red meat flour, red rice rice, oats etc., is beneficial for the brain.
8. Dark red and violet fruits and vegetables: Blue berry helps to improve memory. However, this fruit is not easily available in our country. It is beneficial to eat fruits such as eggplant, black jam, carrots,  bits, black grapes etc. These foods are beneficial for the antioxidant brain.
9. Sweet potato seed: Zinc is a very important mineral component to increase memory. Sweet potato seeds contain plenty of zinc and some other beneficial minerals. That helps keep the brain healthy
10. Green veggies: Dark green leafy vegetables are great beneficial for the brain. spinach  helping to keep the brain healthy like the eggplant. It contains beta carotene, lutein and folet, which reduces the risk of dementia or memory. If you eat at least three times a week, you can understand the change.

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