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Do you want to Know the symptoms of calcium deficiency?

Know the symptoms of calcium deficiency

The mineral component of calcium plays an important role in the formation of bone. Calcium is also essential for managing heart rate and muscle work. Calcium helps with blood clotting. This mineral material is easily available from natural sources like vegetables, curd, nuts and cheese. However, most people suffer from calcium deficiency. Let's know about the calcium deficiency symptoms.
1. Muscle Breakdown: Even if your muscles are shrinking or feeling tense after drinking enough water and having hemoglobin levels, then you have to be suffering from calcium deficiency. Muscle pain is accompanied by muscular pain, especially in the thighs and lower back muscles. It is an initial symptom of low levels of calcium.
2. Decreased bone density: As the age increases, calcium strengthens the bones of the body. When calcium levels decrease, it directly affects bone density. If there is a decrease in bone density, osteoporosis is possible and there is a possibility of bone fracture.
3. Broken nails: Calcium is also needed to maintain bone-like nails. Calcium insufficiency weakens the nails and breaks into nails brittle.
4. Toothache: 99% of your body's calcium is bone and teeth. If your level of calcium decreases then pain in the tooth and tooth decay can occur. The risk of parodyontal disease also increases. Due to the deficiency of calcium in children, there is a delayed and defective tooth.
5. frequent infection: Calcium plays an important function in preserving a healthy immune gadget. there may be a deficiency of calcium that may be visible in people with not unusual respiratory and intestinal infections. due to the deficiency of calcium, the body's immune system decreases against the assault of pathogen.
6. Obesity: Those who are suffering from calcium deficiency, they also suffer from bone and muscle pain as well as weaknesses. Insomnia lower levels of calcium, related to fear and mental distortion. As a result, stress and fatigue increase. This will show you phase and feel tired and lazy. Those women who are suffering from calcium deficiency are seen to be tired or exhausted after birth. They are seen to lose their breast milk, reduce concentration, and feel tired. That is why Pregnant women need to take 1000-1200 milligrams of calories daily.
Calcium also related to normal development of women's uterus and ovaries hormone. Women can suffer from irregular periods and excess bleeding problems due to calcium deficiency. 

When will you eat calcium?
The calcium mineral content strengthens our bones and teeth, prevents corrosion. Nerves, heartbeats, muscles also work. Due to the absence of bone loss or osteoporosis disease. Bone Disease is mainly due to the elderly. Due to some hormonal variations, older women have the risk of developing this disease. Young people are also infected with this disease due to some diseases. If calcium-consuming food is sufficient in adolescence, then calcium deficiency problems will be reduced later.
Many times young people may be affected by some diseases. Just like some banned problems. People can not take it properly due to the waist arteries, and again due to intestinal inflammation. Essential factors in the body such as: calcium, vitamin D, mineral or mineral - if not able to accept it well, it may become osteoporosis in the body long ago.
Someone will eat calcium tablets?
There is no such thing as a handful of pain, joints or joint pain, or age because of calcium tablets. Because, there are enough calcium in everyday food. Daily consumption of calcium from this type of food can be met. Many people buy calcium pills by buying themselves from a drug store, which is not right. It can be reversed in the opposite direction. Of course, the doctor advised to take medicines.
If there is a lack of vitamin D in the body, but calcium benefits will be very little. Kidney stones may be available for taking extra calcium. Again, those who had never had kidney stones before, would have to face more stones than they could get extra calcium. So consult the doctor first when you know the information. The information will play a role in determining the level of the drug and the additional precautions required for the problem.
How much calcium is needed daily?
A full adult person runs 1,000 milligrams of calcium and 600 units of Vitamin D daily. After menopause (menopause) women and seventy-five men are required to have 1200 milligrams of calcium. Pregnant and chest breeders that mothers take them a little more. Vitamin D will be eaten because it helps to absorb calcium in the body. Vitamin D is available from sunlight and calcium comes from dairy foods. Besides, calcium is found in green vegetables, nuts, tofu, orange etc.
How do I get solution without calcium tablets?
Milk, curd, cheese, raw nut, soybean, walnut, marine fish, thorns, small fishes, black and green lobster,  mint seeds, mustard seeds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, shrimp drizzles, figs etc. are high calcium foods. 100 grams of calcium is 950 milligrams of milk, 310 mg of the same amount of pudding fish, 372 mg of marine fish, 440 mg in drumstick leaf 270 milligrams of small fish. There is a cup of more than 400 milligrams. Cook half a bowl, eat 100 grams of calcium while playing green leafy vegetables. 150 to 200 milligrams in a glass of orange juice.
However, there are some things that prevent the absorption of calcium in the gut, which is not good to eat with calcium rich foods. Such as high fat and oxalic acid foods. Chocolate, spinach, carbonated beverages etc. also prevent calcium absorption. But vitamin A, C and D helps in the absorption of calcium. Foods made from iron and magnesium also help to calcium.
If necessary then
However, according to the doctor's advice, calcium pills can be consumed, but there are some side effects too. The most common side effects are gastric, constipation etc. Some drugs reduce the absorption of calcium in the gut, especially those medicines that are used to reduce acidification. Together, more than 500 milligrams of calcium is not absorbed in the intestines, so it is not worth eating more quantities of medicines. Calcium takes Vitamin D to absorb the intestine, so vitamin D is low to eat with it. Sunlight contains plenty of Vitamin D Egg yolk, saline water, D. Vitamin.
Awareness needs to be avoided by adolescence to avoid the problem of calcium deficiency after the age has increased. Small fish, along with shrimps, will be eaten along with milk and dairy foods as well. By developing such eating habits in this age of growth, the core of the body of a girl's body will be well-formed. Thus, in the future, avoiding the problem of becoming bone weakened by bone or bone in the future. 
What are the diseases of calcium in the body?
About 99% of our body contains calcium in the bone, some in the tooth, some soft tissue and some of the fluid. So it is necessary to eat calcium-rich foods in the formation of bones firmly.
According to experts, daily consumption of an adult person is 700 milligrams of calcium. However, during pregnancy, a mother and mothers who breastfeed their baby need to eat more calcium than 700 milligrams of calcium. But along with this, vitamin D will be eaten. Because Vitamin D helps to absorb calcium in the body.
Vitamin D is available from sunlight only. Vitamin D is available in the sunlight and in the light of sunrise in the morning. Calcium also helps keep growth hormones active with the expansion of muscles in the body.
Lack of calcium can cause various types of diseases in the body:
1. Due to absence of calcium, the disease is also a disease. Due to rickets disease the bones become soft and weak. In addition, Vitamin D has the bone loss due to its prolonged absence.
2. Bone fracture is due to the lack of calcium in the long term. Those who suffer from chronic calcium, they can at one stage bone fracture problems. After menopause (menstrual period), the risk of bone fracture is high. Therefore, it is necessary to eat calcium-rich food during adolescence.
3. In the absence of calcium, osteoporosis is a disease of bone loss. Due to the lack of calcium, vitamin D, alcoholism and smoking, this bone loss may be a disease. Doctors usually provide calcium and vitamin D supplements to cure this disease.
Most calcium is useful for bone formation and energization. If there is no calcium-rich food in the food list, the bone structure is weak and the energy is low.
4. Hypoccalcemia due to absence of calcium is muscular tissue.
5. Lack of calcium can lead to red or pink rashes in the face.
Calcium deficiency problem! Put a unique meal on the list
Calcium is an important component of our body. It is the body bone and the main component of the toothache. Many problems arise in the body due to the lack of calcium. Muscle contraction, bone fragility, unhygienic food, heart problems, hypertension, colon cancer, and many more problems in the nesting body.
Calcium empowers the body and it plays the most role in bone formation. If you do not get it right, then the body becomes weak and there are serious diseases like bone fragility.
Foods that contain calcium requirements, therefore, must be kept in the list of daily foods. Some of these foods are:
Milk: One of the most important foods of daily diet is milk. It is packed with many other important ingredients such as calcium, protein, magnesium etc., which is essential for our healthy bone and tooth formation. Breast-feeding habits from the childhood will make the bones strong, and the fear of osteoporosis (fracture) will be greatly reduced.
Cheese: Cheese is also a high calcium and protein-rich food. Phenyar calcium helps keep the bone density stable and protects against osteoporosis. By taking the right amount of cheese, it provides a large amount of calcium and phosphorus, so it is very helpful in treating acid-damaged patient.
Soybean: Various types of soya such as soy milk, soya flour, tofu, which are full of essential ingredients for calcium, iron, magnesium, protein, fiber, etc. for a variety of good health. The presence of calcium in the morning is almost equal to milk, it contains phytto astrosogenes which help a lot in strengthening the bones.
Yogurt: It is also one of the main food sources of calcium. It contains plenty of calcium and protein. 8 ounces contain 440 milligrams of calcium.
Rubbish: Mumps is a summer vegetable, contains plenty of calcium, iron, potassium, vitamin B, A, c.
Turnip, Sesame: Trunip is a good source of calcium and potassium. It helps to prevent bone flexibility, osteoporosis, fractures, and increase muscle strength and efficiency. A cup of salad contains about 200 milligrams of calcium which meets the needs of one-fifth of calcium in an adult.
Sesame is one of the main sources of minerals, including iron, calcium, manganese, phosphorus, selenium and zinc. It helps in the production of hormones and the production of red blood cells.
Both turnip and sesame play a helpful role in the formation of strong teeth.
Almond: Almost all kinds of nuts contain many proteins, calcium, fiber, vitamins, potassium, iron and minerals. It is very useful for the body, which helps in the formation of hard bones and teeth.
Orange: Orange is a citrus fruit that contains enough potassium, calcium.
Calcium body is very necessary mineral. It keeps bones and teeth well. It helps to keep muscle and nerve functioning properly.
Calcium needs in the body differ in age:
From zero to six months - 200 milligrams per day
Seven to 12 months- 260 milligrams per day
One to three years - 700 milligrams per day
Four to eight years - one thousand milligrams per day
Nine to 18 years - 1 thousand 300 milligrams per day
19 to 50 years - one thousand milligrams per day
51 to 70 years - Every day one thousand milligrams (men), one thousand 200 milligrams (women)
At 71 years - every day 1000 thousand milligrams
Health website Top Ten Home Remedy says some ways to increase calcium in the body.
Eat calcium rich foods: Put calcium-rich foods on the food list to increase calcium in the body. Calcium is available in many foods. For example: milk, dairy products, curd, cheese, pulp, orange juice, broccoli, soybean and other soy products etc. These foods are regularly eaten.
Go to the sunlight in the morning: Vitamin D helps the absorption of calcium in the body. And the sun's light is one of the main sources of Vitamin D. Especially very useful in the morning sunlight. So go to the sunlight in the morning.
Eat foods rich in Vitamin 'D': Eat vitamin D rich foods. In this case, vitamin 'D' can eat rich fish, cheese, liver, eggs, butter etc.
Skip caffeine: Many people start coffee day by drinking coffee. If you are suffering from calcium deficiency, it is best to stop drinking coffee habits. According to the study, drinking more than four cups of coffee a day increases bone loss. This is especially because of the women who have calcium deficiency.
Less salt intake: More salt is due to calcium deficiency in the body. It prevents the absorption of calcium. Exclude the processed foods, except salt. There will be no shortage of calcium. Calcium also increases in the body.
Caution: Excessive calcium intake is harmful to the body. As a result, many diseases such as heart attack, stroke, kidney stone etc. can lead to deadly diseases. So we have to be careful to take food like ours.

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