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Are you a smoker?If yes then you should read this.

Knowing smoking poison, individuals can't simply leave this habit. smoking won't stop simply within the recommendation. It conjointly needs initiative, awareness and comprehensive effort. What diseases do you get worse due to smoking and what are the diseases caused by smoking?

1. Lung cancer: 8 out of 10 cases have been found to be cancerous due to smoking.
2. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: 8 out of 10 cases have had direct correlation with smoking. Those who died from this disease have been suffering for several years.
3. Heart Disease: The death of the world is the highest due to cardiovascular disease. And smoking in 1 of its 6 cases is directly responsible.
4. Other cancers: Normal between mouth, nose, throat, larynx, gonadal (pneumonia), pancreas, bladder, pregnancy (cervical), blood (leukemia) and kidney cancer smokers.
5. Blood Transfusion: Tobacco chemicals destroy the screen of the blood vessels, and during blood transfusion, there is a harmful effect on lipid or fat levels. It increases the risk of atheroma, which is the stiffness of the artery. It is mainly responsible for heart disease, stroke, stopping blood circulation on the legs, and swelling of the arteries and arterial bleeding or exposure to the aneurysms. These diseases are most known for any smokers.
6. Rheumatoid Arthritis: Increases the risk of smoking multiplied. Studies show that smoking in adults due to rheumatoid arthritis in 1 out of 5 people with this disease.
7. Aging: Aging before age and age is seen in the smoker face. So smokers feel older than others.
8. Physical capacities: Smoking between women and men increases barrenness or decreases physical ability.
9. Menopause: Doctors say that men who smoke are at least two years old in menopause.

 And the condition of those diseases is worse due to smoking
1. Breathing or asthma, 2. Cold, 3 Flu or influenza, 4. Chest infection, 5 Tuberculosis or lung infection, 6. Chronic renitis or long-term nasal infection, 7. Diabetic retinopathy or diabetes due to loss of eyes, 8. Hypothyroidism or extra able thyroid, 9. Multiple sclerosis or brain and spinal problems, 10 Optical neuritis or eye nerve inflammation, 11 Crohn's disease or inflammation in the gut
More problems arise due to smoking
1. Dementia, 2. Optical neuropathy - loss of eye nerve, 3 Cataracts, 4. Macular digression or eye tissue loss, 5 Pulmonary fibrosis, 6. Problems with psoriasis, 7 Diseases in the Rice, 8 Tooth loss, 9. Osteoporosis or bone loss, 10 Randoms phenomenon - becoming frozen white or blue in the cold

How to reduce the loss of smoking is possible
Smokers are deprived of the benefits of food nutrients and antioxidants. Due to smoking, the damaged body organs (especially the lungs) are deprived of the benefits of food.
If this condition is running, it weakens the whole body and feels different types of pain.
Those who do not have the option to quit smoking, they may be able to get rid of the risk of the disease caused by smoking through specific eating habits.
Know that some foods that help in protecting directly damaged organs as a result of smoking, as well as reduce the risk of disease related to it.
Mustard leaves: Mustard foods are specially useful for smokers. Because it helps in preventing inflammation of lungs. As well as prevention of smoking and respiratory weakness.
Copies of National Vegetable: By developing at least one copy of the National Vegetable Habits, smoking reduces the risk of cancer caused by smoking. Some examples of copper-like vegetables are sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, calyx, broccoli, colored arugula, radish and Chinese cabbage.
Moreover, these vegetables meet the needs of vitamin C, E and beta carotene (Vitamin A) in the body.
Vitamin 'B12' rich foods: The lack of vitamin B1 can cause pain in a smoker's body. In fact, smokers suffer from Vitamin B deficiency. Because the body can not adequately acquire nutrients due to smoking.
So one of the smokers should include Vitamin 'B12' in the diet. Vitamin 12's needs can be met through egg, cheese, yogurt, nutritious cereal or food supplements.
In addition, every smoker must eat adequate amounts of Vitamin 'B6' and 'B 9' rich foods. Fish, meat, potatoes and grains are rich in Vitamin 'B6' and fruits, green vegetables, dried beans, lentils and broccoli Vitamin 'B9'.
Vitamin A: Many people may know that the 'carcinogen' in cigarette smoke creates a lack of vitamin A 'in the body. Mustard is one of the main sources of vitamin K which is very important for the body. Besides, there are plenty of vitamins 'A' on pumpkin, corn, red chilli, oranges and pimples.
In addition, pumpkin and carrots contain 'betaquryptocyananthin' antioxidant, which reduces the risk of lung cancer.
Vitamin 'C': A Vitamin A Vitamin C for every smoker is called Vitamin C. Because it reduces toxicity of nicotine and strengthens the digestive system.
The major sources of Vitamin 'C' are: Amlakis, Lemonade Fruits, Pineapple, Guava etc.
Vitamin 'E': It has been found in the study that smokers who consume large amounts of Vitamin 'E' food increase their flexibility and blood flow.
A smoker's daily diet should definitely contain foods made from nuts, eggs and wheat.
Catechin: Phytochemical compounds Catechins are scientifically proven as special aids to reduce the risk of smoking. A good source of black tea, grapes, black pepper and dark colored catechins.
Mithionin: Methionine amino acid is an essential element for our lungs. There are various types of fruit seeds, grains, fish, and meat mixedoniin.
Pomegranate: Eelagic acid, which is benigna or dalim, removes harmful elements of the smoker's body as a strong antioxidant and helps reduce the loss of body cells including lung cells.
Onion and Garlic: Onion and garlic full of sulfur compounds play a beneficial role in respiratory problems and keep the lungs clean. Onions have 'quercetin' like apples and beans, which help keep the lungs good.
Zinc, Magnesium, Calcium, Vitamin 'D': For a long time smoking bone weakens. So these things are very important for smokers:
1. Zinc (mushrooms, fruit seeds and nuts)
2. Magnesium (fruit seeds, brown rice)
3. Calcium (dairy products, sesame seeds)
4. Vitamin 'D' (long stay in sunlight and taking food supplement)
With that, drink plenty of water. Because smoking exposes water from the body and helps to remove water nicotine.

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