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Special care for your children in winter !!!

Thinking about the care of your skin in winter, but thinking about the same thought about your baby? In winter, we started using various cosmetics to protect our skin from the coldness of winter. We use lotions, masks, oil treatments, glycerin and more. However, in the winter of your skin which is more vulnerable, it is your child Maybe he can't tell or explain you, but the skin of the child is much more tender and vulnerable than an adult. So when the winter comes, that effect is first on your little sweetheart. I think every day, lotion is sprayed in the winter, then? Not only can you keep your child away from the dryness of winter with the help of lotions. From its food to clothing, sunlight - everything should be standardized. Then your child will be in this winter to be healthy and happy.
First of all, our skin becomes dry after winter. And this drying does not leave the soft skin of the child. If you want your child's skin to remain soft and relaxed all the time, then there are a number of things to keep in mind.

Not too heavy clothing: Many parents use lots of clothes to protect the child from cold in winter. As if wearing many clothes, all the cold, bad things of the child - all will disappear. In reality, it's not the case at all. Generally, one-to-one clothes are needed in adults in winter than children. Not more than that After your child is dressed, put your baby under the clothes. See if the baby's body is hot. If you feel over hot or sweaty, reduce the amount of cloth. Occasionally the rash occurs on the skin of children due to excessive cloth. If so, consult a doctor.
Cover your hands and head: Even if you put clothes on your body, the hands and head of the children are mostly out in the field. So cover your head and hands with your baby while outdoors. Put a thin cloth lid on its face when needed. This will reduce its coldness.
Avoid hot water for bathing: Many mothers and babies shower them with hot water in the winter. But remember that the water does no longer get too warm. Bathing water can be comfortable, not hot. Hot water reduces the amount of moisturizer on the skin. So refrain from bathing the baby in hot water. Not only that, shorten the bath time too. If he is very young, he will not take a bath for more than five minutes. Otherwise the skin will become dry due to its reduced body moisture.
Use the moisturizer on the skin: Moisturize your body after bathing the baby. whether or not it's far with lotions or with a Vaseline or jelly. There are several types of moisturizers available in the market to buy. Use a good and good moisturizer in your baby after bathing.
Consult with the doctor: If your child has any problems with winter, then take him to the doctor quickly. In winter, many people have skin red, many skin becomes black by drying, some skin becomes very dry, itchiness - if you have any such problem, take him to the doctor quickly.
This is the word about the care of the skin of the winter in winter. But not only that, you should also look after the baby's food in winter. Make it clear to the child in the winter as soon as you can face it. Due to excessive dust in winter, food and stuff become more dirty. So make sure that it is sterilized before giving any food to the child.
In cold winter, there are many diseases like colds. To strengthen the body against these diseases, feed your baby more frequently with vitamin C foods. His body can prevent diseases and heal.
In addition to food, drink plenty of water for the child, even in winter. Your child will surely be happy if you cannot drink water. But health is more important than happiness. So drink plenty of water to keep the baby's body fresh.
The skin and food that you can do in your child's health this winter after the meal is clean and healthy. Your child eats food at your fingertips. So if your hands are not clean then it can easily become diseased. If you get sick for any reason, the disease (flu national) can spread in his body. Especially if your child regularly drinks a mother's milk, your physical illness will also affect her. So clean your hands well before feeding the baby.
Even after doing so much if your little blonde gets sick, if you are suffering from a cold, you can take some action while sitting at home. If the child is completely child or a big nose, it is difficult to breathe and breathe in the bathroom with the child. Bring hot water to the whole place with warmth. See if your baby is not having trouble breathing.
And if your child is too small, then put him on the lap and lie down. Then press down on his back. Keep in mind that the pressure is mild. You see, your little child is not getting hurt anymore.
If your child is a small, newborn baby, then mother's breast milk is the biggest antidote to all its diseases. So give him regular milking. In winter, there may be trouble with blood circulation in the body. Stay away from it and lightly massage the baby's body. By doing so, his blood transfusion will be fine. And as well he will be healthy!
The baby becomes beautiful with a lively smile. The mind is full of heartache in a lot of trouble in the face of a lot of trouble. And if the smile is your own treasure, your child, then you have no comparison! So be very careful with your child's every laughing moment this winter.
Take care of the skin of the ladies 
Most of the baby's problems arise after birth, and the problem of skin is one of them. There are many types of problems on children's skin. Such as skin rashes, itching, redness of skin etc. Skin problems can cause problems for the child. So it is necessary to take early care of the baby's skin. But there is no reason to worry. You do not even need to go to the health practitioner. Because little awareness and proper care can keep your baby well. Find out the solution to the skin problem of the baby. Children's skin for rough weather becomes excessive dry up. It is very important to take care of your baby skin at this time. There may be repeated sneezing, it is called allergic rhinitis. In many cases, if someone in the family has Ezemba or Asthma, then it is a family that is spreading in the family. These problems are usually higher in winter.
Dosage: Massage the baby with good quality olive oil.
Moisturizer can also use. Bathe the child in light hot water every day. Note that the temperature of the water is not more than 37 degrees. Of course, try to bathe fast, do not take more than five minutes. The skin may cause inflammation of the corneal layer of the swelling. If you have a severe itching on the baby's entire body, then go to the doctor quickly.
Child's soft skin care: A little swimmer is quite enjoyable for the weather, but the little member of the house, but it is upset. Children's skin is slightly different from the skin. It is difficult to adapt to the changing weather of the child. So the other members of the house should be aware of the care of the child.
To do this, take care of the baby's skin during the weather: In the winter the child does not have enough water shortage, so that the child will have to drink water repeatedly. It will be good for the baby's skin. Keep the heat of the house in which the child is staying, let the sunshine open by opening doors and windows during the day. At night the child needs to wear warm clothes as needed. The baby's skin will lose water vapor and the skin will remain smooth. It is better to use coconut oil to remove the baby's skin color. Soft hands can be squeezed by the oil and the child can The day on which there is more fog, then decrease the bath time of the baby. Bathe the child with light warm water quickly. After bathing, remove the body with a soft towel. Before you dry the skin, apply a tightly moisturizer. Give your child the opportunity to play in the morning sunshine. The morning sunshine will provide Vitamin D to the skin. This time the winter of the market is rising, Feeding the orange by the baby rules. Orange juice is very useful for the baby's skin. Make sure to have balanced diet. Try to keep vegetables in the refresh food. Before going to sleep on a cold night, following simple procedures, skin and hair can be bright, smooth.
Cosmetics for winter: The winter season is different from other seasons. So this season has to take a little extra preparation. Everything from head to toe's nails has to be extra attention. And children have to take extra care with him. Children have a little difficulty in adjusting with the changes in nature in winter. So parents need to be more careful about their parents. To wear winter thin or thick clothes. Children's skin is generally sensitive and soft. So the children's skin becomes more rough in winter. In order to take care of the soft skin of the winter, you should use good quality lotion or cream. Cosmetics should be carefully used in the skin care during winter. After a couple of days, clean the hair with a good shampoo. This will protect the skin and protect children from dandruff and rash. Organic flowers extract, chromium. The massage of the sunflower oil and the worn virgin's skin strengthens the skin. It is extremely important to massage baby skin in winter. Because after half an hour of massage, if the child is bathe then cold takes less. By preventing dermatitis and dryness of the skin, removing roughness makes the child's skin smooth and soft, and the skin of the child shines.
It's a great time for them to take a bath for children. Every child is in touch with water and wants to enjoy play and bath both equally, so take care of the baby in the bathroom while bathing. Do not irrigate the eyes of children using good quality shampoo. Baby shampoo is associated with low alkali, for which the skin gently cleanses the skin of the head and softens the hair, relaxes and silks.
Many of us have body lotions on the face of the baby, but it is never right. The cream is to be used in the face, only cream is made by thinking about the mouth of the children. Many times the child's cheeks go out in the winter. The skin of the baby's skin is so soft that it cannot be tolerated by the coldness of the winter and it soon explodes to skin. So use moisturizer to moisturize baby's face. Good quality cream. However Body Lotion only protects the body's skin roughness and makes the skin skin shine and smooth. Children's body lotion is very important as adults in winter. Body lotion makes the skin of the skin more tender, soft and bright.
Avoid the mistakes made in the care of the baby's skin
Mothers are very aware of the health of the children. In this case children's skin care is very important. But we do not forget to care too much about the skin care of the baby. The effects of rash and rash on children's skin appear to be different. So take care that the awareness of the baby's skin care is urgent-
1. More bathing or cleaning :It is better not to use soap and shampoo every day. At the end of the bath, the water will be cleaned properly with soft dry cotton cloth. Do not have water in the folds of the body. Because it is susceptible to fungal infections.
Because the child is sensitive to the skin, repeatedly washing the skin will make the skin dry and rough. So without the need to exclude the child's skin cleansing habits. Most of the time bathing a day is enough.
2. Many people think that bathing / cleaning less than being cold is not necessary. It turns out to be a bath after two or three days. The rest of the time are wiping out. Even when the child is in the house all day long sweat dirt is not enough. So bathing regularly shower the baby. During the cold day, the child will take a bath with light hot water. But do not ignore it. It is best to have a bath before sunrise until it is late.
3. Use of soap in the elderly  Many of us have a child bathing with soaps of adults every day. But adults have extra alkaline ingredients in the soap. Children's skin is 5 times thin than adults. Rubbish, rough, allergies can occur on the skin of the baby using soap sensitive skin. Use a suitable soap on the baby's skin (which must be moisturizer).
4. Using older products: Many people use lotions children. You probably do not know, there is a large amount of preservatives, perfumes, and allergens in high volume decoration materials. Which is not suitable for your child's skin soft skin.
Besides, children's skin becomes dry faster than adults, so babies need baby lotions which are several times more moisturizing.
5. The crude oil was spilled: In the previous day, the children of mustard oil, sesame oil etc. were battered and then bathe. It's good for kids. Because, before bathing, oil massage is beneficial for disease prevention and normal growth. But these oils of our country are owed.
These oils can contain frozen material and high  acid, which is harmful for the baby's skin. So use anti-oxidant-rich olive oil. There are no flimsy or sensitive components. 

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